This is my closet since I cleared it out. All my clothes are in this side of the closet. All my clothes that is except the ones that need laundering or that I am wearing. I even have my underwear and sock drawers in the closet. Reevaluating my clothes cleared off some space on our shelves as well, so now I can store other things like...
the photo albums that I recently organised and labeled.
This is the top of those same bedroom bookshelves. It used to be covered with a motley array of things that I would categorise as homeless. In order to simplify I either found them a home or they went to the local homeless shelter; The Habitat Thrift Store, where they are currently awaiting a home.
Now I can lay on my bed and see these family keepsakes. I treasure each one of the objects on this shelf. I also treasure the space in between them.
I all about organizing. Simple, simple, make it simple. The less the better! Great job Stasia! Love that vase and clock!